Try "Portable Arduino" experimental feature
Shigeru Kanemoto
2012-06-19 23:51:56 UTC
Hello Arduino developers,

I am now developing my private fork of Arduino IDE with "Portable
Arduino" experimental feature. I am writing this note to ask you to
try it.

This feature enables Arduino IDE to run on a USB flash stick and save
sketches in the same drive. You can use one single USB flash stick on
multiple PCs without worrying about changing sketchbook folder
setting. I am developing this feature for students who have to use
shared PC. But it should be convenient for people who have multiple
PCs like you.

The diff to the original is:

Pre-built binaries can be downloaded from:

The feature is disabled by default. To enable the feature, you have to
manually create a folder named "portable" in the application root
folder, where "hardware", "examples", "lib" and other folders reside.
See this picture:
Loading Image...

With this feature enabled, the "preferences.txt" will be saved inside
the "portable" folder. The default sketchbook folder is "sketchbook"
in the same folder. You can change the sketchbook folder location
using the preferences dialog, and the location will be recorded as
relative path from the "portable" folder. On Windows platform, you
can't select the sketchbook folder on a drive with different drive
letter. The last sketch path will also be recorded as relative path.

Some current users make "multi-platform IDE stick" by combining
Windows, Mac OSX and Linux versions on one USB flash stick.

I will appreciate if you try this feature and let me know your idea.

